So, the goal with creating a blog for my website was for me to connect with my readers. While I do want my blogs to be educational, I also want my blog to be raw and real. I want to be part of the movement that breaks the stigma of what is considered acceptable to talk about. Of what should be shown on the internet or social media.  

The topic of this post is none other than self-care. Now, yes self-care is often talked about and encouraged. But what is not often encouraged to talk about is the personal reasons why we would even need self-care. The times when life is sucky. Then there’s the idea that some people have a near to perfect life, especially the way social media works nowadays. 

I think there can be a dangerous misconstruction about therapists. regarding this topic.  Hell, there are MANY dangerous misconstructions about therapists (I promise we are not that bad). But the particular misconception that I am referring to is the idea that therapists should have life completely figured out because of the nature of our profession. This belief can not only place intense pressure on us but it is so unrealistic and unfair. Therapists are human too and as a human, I felt the need to express my recent struggles with self-care.  

Truth is I forgot what self-care was and I found myself desperately needing it. It’s hard for me to turn my brain off. It’s hard for me to forget about the to-do list. It’s hard for me to say “I’ll leave it for tomorrow”. I’m often in work-mode, and while that is a characteristic of myself that I love, it is something that I need to be careful with if I want to remain sane and mentally healthy. 

I found myself needing a change in routine. I promised myself that today, I was just going to relax and spend my evening doing things that made me happy. I decided to purchase a notebook where I was going to doodle and journal. 

My self-care tonight consisted of doodling, eating Whataburger (#5 with no onions & Dr. P), watching Netflix with my boo, a hot and unrushed shower, and play time with my dog Otis. I have to say that I certainly like this feeling. I’m happy that I choose myself today. More days like these to come. 


Sending light and positive vibrations to all. 



One Comment

  1. Here’s what it really means to take care of yourself. … I took good care of myself—on the outside. On the inside, I buried vulnerability.

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